Fabric Organisation

Today I decided to organise my fabric using a technique that I saw whilst browsing on Pinterest a while ago. The idea is that you cut rectangles of cardboard and fold your fabric around them, giving a neat and tidy look to your stash.
I started with a large bag of fabric which was buried in a cupboard with spare bedding, old computer parts and skiing clothes.

This is my fabric after I had sorted it out on the living room floor. It doesn't look much, but screwed up in a bag it was taking up a lot of space. I have more fabric in various places around the house (and possibly more hidden in the cupboard but I didn't have the strength to dig for it), so this project will certainly be ongoing.

After sorting each piece and folding it around my cardboard rectangles (made from delivery boxes - I just cut them all to the size of the smallest package), my fabric stash now looks a lot more manageable.

There were a lot of smaller and oddly shaped pieces of fabric in the bag, so those have been rolled up and put into a bag to use for small crafts. I'm hoping to find some use for them in the near future when I make some more things for a craft fair I am hoping to go to with my friends mum.

I also found a few other bits in my bag of fabric, including an unopened spool of black Superstitch thread, a bobbin of white thread, a grey concealed zip, some paperclips and various patterns and pattern pieces which will be sorted separately.

This is just a little insight into the beginning of the mammoth task of sorting through my craft supplies. I will eventually get boxes to put my fabric in so that I can access it easily and see at a glance what I already have.

I would love to hear any tips/ideas for organising craft supplies!


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