Dyed Shoes

For my Grease costume, I needed a pair of shoes to wear, but wasn't keen on any of the green ones I could find in shops because they were a little bright. I didn't want white shoes either because they would stand out a bit too much against my dark tartan skirt in Act 1 and dark green dress in Act 2. With this in mind, I decided to dye a pair of white pumps to match my costumes.

The supplies I started with:
White Pumps - £3 - Primark
Dark Green Dye - £2.99 - Wilkinsons
Rubber Gloves and Mop Bucket - Poundland

I had never used this kind of dye before, so I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. I also wasn't entirely sure how well the shoes would take the dye, but I was reassured as I saw them darkening in the bucket.
The shoe laces unfortunately didn't pick up much dye, they are an extremely pale mint green, but that isn't too much of a problem as they look fine alongside the white grommets and soles of the shoes.

Ta-da! Green shoes!

The green is not exactly the same shade as my costume, but it is nuch closer than anything I could find in the shops and it won't be very obvious on stage.

All in all, I am quite happy with my custom dyed shoes. I have almost finished both of my costumes that I am making for the show, so I will write about them as soon as they are done.


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