The Picture of Dorian Gray book review

I wanted to enjoy this as the premise is such a fascinating one, however the characters do nothing to draw the reader in (they are all very questionable in terms of personality and not at all likeable) and the descriptions and dialogue are often far too drawn out.

The pace feels a little slow at first, then makes large jumps in time as the book progresses. That being said, the writing style is, for the most part, enjoyable to read.
Lord Henry enjoys the sound of his own voice (as far as this can apply in a novel) far too much, and rarely adds anything of particular merit to the plot. He serves only to reinforce a belief that beauty is the most valuable asset a person  can possess and also to further corrupt Dorian Gray by way of enabling his sins.
The titular character of Dorian Gray begins as a naive young man, but as soon as he learns that his somewhat unintentional wish has allowed him eternal youth and beauty, at the cost of the portrait of himself that he was gifted by the artist, he leans into all the debauchery and sin that he fancies and shows no remorse for his actions.
All in all, I like the idea of the story, I just feel that it would be better as a short story. I am interested to check out some adaptations of the text to see how it is handled in a different medium.


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